Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Spread a little joy this Christmas.

Hey guys,

So It’s that time of year again....frantically buying Christmas presents, decorating the house, fighting over the last turkey in the shops. It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle & bustle of Christmas time. The holiday season is a time of spreading happiness & joy.

But sometimes we tend to forget others less fortunate than us. This year I strongly encourage you to help people who are less fortunate. You don’t need to spend your money if you don’t have it. There are many ways to help. Spread a little joy to someone else this Christmas. Not only will you be helping them but you will feel great after. I just think it’s important to help others especially during the holiday season.

Here are some ways you can help.

1. Give old usable clothes or toys to homeless shelters
Up to 100 million people are homeless throughout the world, the majority of them women and children.Homelessness is all around us & is a local issue no matter where you live. Focus Ireland estimates that there are up to 5,000 people at any one time who are homeless in Ireland.
This year a couple of friends & I are having a clothes collection for the local homeless. This could be a great idea you & your community could get involved in. Be Santa to the homeless this year.

2. Volunteer your time
Whether its in a food kitchen, youth club or homeless shelter. You time is a fantastic asset to have. An extra pair of hands is always appreciated. Look for opportunities in your local area, everyone has a skill to contribute.

3. Visit a nursing home
This is something I have done twice recently. A group of us visited a couple of nursing homes & sang Christmas carols. This is honestly one of the best things I have ever done. To see the elderly & sick smiling & clapping as we sang was truly amazing. It was a heart warming experience.

4. Donate money
If you have the money this year it was be a great idea to donate to a charity or cause of your choice. If you don’t have money you could always fundraise with friends. There are plenty of ways to do so.

5.Spread awareness
Talk about it, to friends, family anyone & everyone who will listen. Word of mouth is one of the best ways to spread awareness. If you have a blogged  about it. If you are passionate about any charity or illness let people know.

If you have done any of these things let me know in the comments below.
If you have blogged this topic I would love to read it.

Love always,

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